Quality and experience count when it comes to pest control. That’s why major companies and residents around Lake Macquarie trust Benefit Pest Management to deal with critters quickly and effectively.
We’ve encountered creepy crawlies of all types ranging in size from tiny termites through to large rats and will deal with them fast using the latest control sprays, baits and equipment. Contact us today to make a booking. We service properties in Lake Macquarie,
Port Stephens,
Belmont and surrounds.
Below are the most common critters we address on the NSW Central Coast:
Protect your family and pets from unwanted pests with a regular residential inspection and treatment program.
Pest management should be a regular part of the care and maintenance of your business. Book a monthly, quarterly or annual inspection and treatment program.
Benefit from our experience in using food-safe chemicals as part of our industrial and manufacturing pest control program on the Central Coast.
Protect your hard work from insects and rodents with our comprehensive rural pest treatment program.
Spider population is not only dependent on the time of year it is but also where you live and the surrounds of your property. The more vegetation (trees & gardens) the more likely you are to have spiders’ year in and year out. Generally speaking, spiders are most active during the spring and summer months, as this is when their food source is most active (small insects). It is very important that you understand the spider species that are surrounding your property, as some are quite poisonous and can course some serious issues. Check out the chart below to see if any of these are hanging around your property. (Chart is in uploads on the cloud and instructions also in developers’ instructions)
German Cockroaches
- Cockroaches are a nocturnal creature and will only come out when disturbed during the day. They like cracks and crevices and warm damp environments. Unfortunately, roaches have the ability to carry many diseases such as salmonella, dysentery and gastroenteritis which can be carried into your homes. There are many different types of cockroaches, the different species require different treatment methods.
- The most common a residential and commercial basis is the German Cockroach. They are attracted to food sources as well as warm and humid areas. Having such a quick breeding cycle, it does not take long at all for these guys to get out of hand. The use of specialised non-repellent chemicals is required to gain full control of these guys.
- The bigger cockroaches being the “Australian & American” Cockroaches generally live in warm, damp and humid areas, mainly consisting of, sewers, subfloors, gardens, roof voids and cupboards. The use specialised repellent and non-repellent chemicals are generally required to gain control of these guys.
- Rats and mice are known to carry around multiple different diseases. They spread these diseases by leaving their faeces and urine wherever they go.
- Another dangerous fact is that their teeth never stop growing. This causes consistent chewing on many things such as wood, pipes, cables etc; It has been known for rodents to chew through electrical cords which cause house fires and other issues.
- Structural damage can be caused to properties as they burrow beneath building foundations and slabs. They can cause a lot more issues for your property than you would think!
- Whilst the store-bought chemicals can minimise the infestation, rodents can begin to build up a tolerance towards the baits. Sometimes, multiple methods are needed to gain control of the activity.
- Fleas are a common parasite that, once adults, feed on the blood of humans and animals by piercing the skin and using an anti-coagulant to stop the blood clotting while feeding. A flea bite can be dangerous for a few reasons not just because of the irritation caused but they can also pass on other parasites including tapeworms and sometimes as a flea sucks the blood the blood will pass directed into their rectum in order to lay eggs. A Flea egg can then lay dormant for over 12 months until the right warmer weather arrives before hatching
- They are generally found soiled areas, lawn clippings, under houses and around the carpet areas inside your home. To be treated correctly, it is very important that the grass be mowed, carpets be vacuumed, clothes and linen be washed in HOT WATER. Please also ensure that any pets in the property are treated for fleas prior to the treatment being carried out.
- A wide range of specialised chemicals will be required to gain control of the fleas, with a follow up inspection/treatment being carried out 7-14 days after the initial treatment to ensure the breeding adults have been eradicated.
Bed Bugs
- Bed bugs can cause major issues in the commercial arena for most motels, hotels, hostels, restaurants and households and a persistent battle for most lodgings. Their bites are known to cause some adverse or allergic reactions due to the anti-coagulant chemical they inject into your blood stream to help prevent the blood from clotting white they feed.
- They are most commonly found in cracks and crevices near architraves, bed frames, furniture as well as in the creases of your mattress and lounge.
There are multiple steps required in order to gain full control of bed bugs.
1. A full inspection of the house to see all affected areas.
2. Washing of linen such as bed sheets and curtains, couch cushion covers, clothes and other fabrics need to be washed in HOT WATER.
3. Once the above has been done, all effected areas will be treated. (Depending on the size of the infestation, multiple treatments may need to be carried out)
4. A reinspection of the house will be carried out roughly a week after the initial treatment.
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